We are delighted to announce that the MAP International Music Competition (MAP-IMC) has built an Educational Partnership with iClassical Academy (iCA), the global leader in online classical music learning.
iCA offers a vast collection of online classical music learning Masterclasses (including piano, violin, cello, conducting, etc.), Courses (such as music education, music history and music in career), and Collections with more than 60 renowned Master Teachers & Instructors, all coming from respected institutions all over the world.
For the preliminary stage of the MAP-IMC 2021, the special Recognition Prize will be sponsored by the iClassical Academy:
ALL the MAP-IMC 2021 applicants, who has completed the first step towards their growth and success in the competition by August 10, 2021 (the Deadline of FREE ENTRY application), will receive a link to claim your Recognition Prize from iClassical Academy, a leader in providing educational video-courses to young professional musicians, from the world’s top artists and educators (Valued at $50).
More sponsor info from our educational partnership will be released in following stages of the competition. Please stay tuned.
MAP-IMC 2021
我们非常荣幸与全球领先的在线古典音乐学习平台 iClassical Academy (iCA)建立了 “教育合作伙伴” 关系。
iClassical Academy是一家提供海量在线古典音乐学习的平台,其平台含有大师班课程(包括钢琴、小提琴、大提琴、指挥等)、音乐课程(如音乐教育、音乐史和职业音乐),以及 60 多位来自世界各地备受尊敬的音乐教育机构与著名音乐大师授课的视频合集。
为鼓励 2021 MAP 国际音乐大赛初赛阶段的申请者,iClassical Academy 将作为 “教育合作伙伴” 向 MAP-IMC 2021 提供以下支持:
所有在 2021 年 8 月 10 日(免费参赛申请的截止日期)之前成功提交初赛申请的参赛者,都将收到一个链接,用以从 iClassical Academy 平台获得价值 50 美元的参赛奖(奖项内容包含来自世界顶级艺术家与教育家向年轻专业音乐家授课的视频课程)。
更多 “教育合作伙伴” 赞助信息,将在比赛的后续阶段陆续发布,敬请期待。
2021 MAP 国际音乐大赛